

  • Upcoming Nutrition Challenge will begin on September 28th! You can find more info by clicking HERE
  • Any new person who signs up gets 80$/month for 90 days. If you refer them you get 30$ off your membership!

Come hit it hard before the weekend starts and start your weekend off on the right foot!

Also keep in mind the Nutrition Challenge starts MONDAY! So eat whatever you want this weekend so you’re ready to be eating clean!

SATURDAY 9.26.20

Teams of 2
A. “Dream Team”
For time:
2000m Row, 100 Pushups, 100 Abmat Situps, 100 Walking Lunge Steps
1000m Row, 75 Pushups, 75 Abmat Situps, 75 Walking Lunge Steps
500m Row, 50 Pushups, 50 Abmat Situps, 50 Walking Lunge Steps
RX+ Wear 20/14 Vest
*35 Min Cap