Bradi and Lauralee


  • We need new goals! Pick a movement you’d like to get before the open and start working on it!
  • The open is 2 weeks away! Sign up for the open!

We’ve posted this to the Facebook page, but wanted to do it here as well! We want to help those in need so we are offering a few more classes this month!

As for the beginners class, it’s just this month only. We may do this more often if the needs depends but for now we’re just sticking with this month only and seeing how it goes. We would still love you bringing friends to “Bring a Friend Day”, but sometimes that might be intimidating so we have this option as well.

As for the “Legends” class, this will be a continuous class, just as our normal schedule. If you know anyone that is 60+, reach out to them and tell them about this! This will be nothing like our normal classes, no heavy lifting or anything like that, this is all about getting them stronger long term and living happy and healthier lives making daily tasks easier! Thank you guys for all that you do and we appreciate you guys! All the info is below!

Crossfit Unknown members we are grateful for your support and want you to reach out to anyone you know who wants to join in on this awesome community we have! Crossfit Unknown will be having TWO new things happening this March!!!

1-We are reaching out to those 60 yrs and older! You are always welcome to join our normal classes, but we feel that might intimated some so We will be starting a “Legends” Crossfit class, Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 12pm! This will be a low intensity class. Catered towards helping the older population with daily tasks. Getting stronger and in better shape to play with grand kids, go down stairs, avoid falling, getting groceries etc. Helping your overall quality of life!

2-We are also reaching out to those who are once again intimidated by the normal classes but are under 60. We are going to do a Beginner Crossfit class. It will be three days a week starting March 1-March 31! Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 7 pm. We will be teaching you all the basics of CrossFit. It will be personalized coaching in a group setting! This class will have limited spots so sign up quick! If you have any questions please contact Tausha Porter 435-512-5179.

It was Bart Brooks birthday on the 21st! If you see him wish him a happy belated one!

MONDAY 2.22.21

A. Gymnastic Strength
5 sets:
Max Strict Pullup
*:30 L-sit btwn sets

B. “In My Hands”
15 Min AMRAP:
Alternating DB Snatch (AHAP)
Toes to Bar
*35 Double Unders after each set