

  • It’s a new month, it means we need a new goal on the goal board! The open is over with and we’ll be doing a nutrition challenge starting in May, so the focus this month is Nutrition.
  • Now that the open is over we have a monthly challenge, this one is simple- 5 Min AMRAP: Max Goblet squats 53/35

Good video on running technique. Pose method is what they’re talking about here, and what most claim to be the healthiest and best way to run. Most also claim that running isn’t bad for you, but running with bad form is, and that’s why people tend to get injured when they add miles on miles is the bad form on running.

The video does have some good tips and tricks to help you realize and think about the way you run. If you’re a poor runner, or maybe you aren’t as good as you want to be, probably worth the listen and learn a little something!

TUESDAY 4.20.21

A. “Long Road”
Every 5 min for 5 rounds:
400m Run
15 Toes to Bar
5 Power Snatch
*Start at 50-60% of 1 RM and build each set to something tough. Score is slowest round and heaviest weight on snatch